Wiki & Forum Text Formatting

On wiki pages and in forum posts, you can use a number of BBCode-like invocations to bring the power of formatting into your text:
Text Codes
There is a number of special formatting codes that you can use to give your forum and wiki posts special functionality and optics. They all have to be embedded into square brackets and consist of one or more command words and options.
  • quoting : [quote] TEXT [/quote] makes TEXT appear in quotation
  • strike-through : [s] TEXT [/s] makes TEXT appear in strike-through style
  • bold : [b] TEXT [/b] means TEXT appears in bold
  • color : [color green] TEXT [/color] means TEXT appears in color. See here for a list of supported colors: opt
  • horizontal divider : [hr] inserts a horizontal bar
  • title : [title THE TITLE] designates THE TITLE as the title of the current wiki page
Using the [button #CODE] code you can create a clickable button on the wiki page that posts a roll or a text to the room's chat. If you want to post a dice roll, remember to prepend # before the code, because otherwise the button will only post the text of the code itself.
For example, to make a button that triggers a D20+3, use the following code: [button #d20+3] - and this is what it will look like:
Button labels
You can change how the button is titled by putting a quoted title before the text you want the button to trigger, like this: [button "click this" #d20] will result in a button that looks like this:
Embedding commands in buttons
Sometimes, you might want to make a button that triggers a chat line containing embedded dice codes. For example like this:
  • Here, the square brackets inside the text conflict with the square brackets that define the button.
In these cases, use curly braces {} for your "inner" dice codes like this:
  • [button axe attack {d20 18-20=x+d6} damage {d12+10} ]
Buttons that pre-fill the chat line
If you don't want your button to execute the command immediately, but instead defer it to the chat line where you can edit it before you post, use the :chat parameter like this:
  • [button :chat #d20]
Line Formatting
  • unordered lists : prefix a line with a - (minus sign) to make it an item in an unordered list
  • ordered lists : prefix a line with a * (star) to make it an item in a numbered list
  • heading titles : prefix a line with an = (equals) to create a level 1 heading, use two == for a level 2 heading and so on.
Linking to Things
There are several way of linking to resources from a forum post or wiki page:
  • plain URLs : paste a normal URL into your text, it will be linkified automatically, like so:
  • images : if you paste the URL of an image, Rolz will attempt to recognize it and display the image instead of just the text link
  • youtube videos : paste the URL of a Youtube video in order to embed it into the page
  • wiki pages : use the code [wiki TESTPAGE] to link to a wiki page, in this case the link goes to a page called TESTPAGE . If the page does not exist in your wiki, an empty one will be created.
Table Layout
To create a table layout, start each line of text with a "|" character and separate each column by additional | characters. One line of text will be rendered as one row of the table. For example:
will be rendered like this:
a b c
1 2 3
Embedding Images
  • to embed an image in a wiki page, just post the image's URL into the text. Note that the URL must end with one of the supported image type extensions (.jpg or .png or .gif)
  • to embed an image as a scrollable map into a wiki page, wrap the image URL into a [map] code, like so: [map https://my.image/is/here.jpg]
Text Formatting in Chat
Click here for text formatting options you have in dice room chats: Chat Commands