Items and Equipment

Unclaimed items
  • list all currently unclaimed items in your room with
Create an Item Template
To make an item template, go to your room's wiki and create a new page for your item. This will be the blueprint for items of that type. For example, you can create a page called "sword" to define what swords look like in your system.
Make an Item
To bring a copy of an item into play, use the "/item new NAME" command, where NAME is the page name of your item template. For example, to create an item from your "sword" page, use this command:
Claim an Item
When you list the unclaimed items in your room, a "claim" button should appear next to each one. Click on that button to add the item to your character page. Alternatively, you can also use the command "/item claim ID" (where ID is the number of the item) to do the same thing. After that, the item should appear at the bottom of your character page.
Free an Item
To add an item back into the unclaimed items list, go to your character page and click on the "remove" button next to the item. It should now appear in the general chat area as unclaimed once more.
Destroy an Item
To destroy an unclaimed item, use the command "/item delete ID" (where ID is the number of the item).
Unclaimed Items Page
If you want a wiki page showing your unclaimed items in a list, create a wiki page called "unclaimed" and save it. It will automatically show a list with all currently unclaimed items at the bottom.