
Public/Private Generators
Use the following options to specify whether everyone in the char should see your generator results or if they should remain private to you (useful for GMs).
results are private
results are public
Random names
Use gen name (template), where (template) is the style of name you want to create. You can also chain several types together by separating them with a space in between.
Generate a Warhammer-like name
Other supported name types are:
You can also combine name generators. For example, this will generate an American-sounding full name:
  • will generate a standard fantasy RPG weapon
  • will return just the name
  • will generate a fantasy weapon with extended properties
  • will generate a fantasy weapon that is magic +2
  • will generate a fantasy weapon that is magic +2 and has extended properties
  • will generate a standard fantasy RPG armor
  • will return just the name
  • will generate a fantasy armor with extended properties
  • will generate a fantasy armor that is magic +2
  • will generate a fantasy armor that is magic +2 and has extended properties
More Random Things
generate a mythical book
a random tavern
an insanity
a random plant
a random trinket
a random fantasy NPC
D20/Pathfinder/Dungeons&Dragons Attributes
Use to generate a set of D20 attributes. For each attribute, the formula 4D6H is used (drop the lowest d6). If one or more attributes should receive the highest-rolled values, just list them after the command:
Warhammer Characters
Use to generate a basic Warhammer Fantasy character. You may optionally give the race:
Dark Heresy /WH40K Characters
Use to generate a basic Dark Heresy character. There are many generation options for careers and advancement, refer to the generator's help page for more information: . For example, this generates a basic psyker with 5000 XP: